Thanks Diogenesister. I do have Jim's book. I also have "A Guide for the Perplexed" and I downloaded some of his YouTube presentations.
Right at this moment, I am trying to get my head around "The Shape of Life" by Rudolf Raff, but mine eyes glazeth over. I wish I could locate a soft copy (PDF or Kindle).
The Critique I am currently writing has almost reached the first draft stage. It will be some time before I will be comfortable enough to release it widely.
Do you have expertise in the subjects associated with Evolution that could be of assistance to me?
The subject of Quantum mechanics is personally interesting as I had to teach semiconductor theory in the late 1960s and early 1970s, just as things were very fresh and new, with new devices being rolled out (LEDs, SCRs, etc.). Prior to that I was teaching the theory and application of electron tubes (valves).